Favorite Baby Items

Now that my daughter is almost six months old, I felt it was time to share my favorite baby items.

I’ve tested out many, many baby items since having her six months ago, so I feel very confident with this list. The list is in random order – all of these items are my favorite! However, please remember this, all our babies really need are food, clothes, diapers, a car seat, a safe place to sleep, and our love! I know lists like this can be overwhelming, please don’t feel like you need all of this. This is just to help any new moms out there who feel lost!

A little disclaimer before I get into it – this is not a sponsored blog post whatsoever. However, some of the links are affiliate links where I get a small kick back if you choose to order.

Favorite Baby Items


  1. Clek Liing Car Seat

    We had a consult call with @thecarseatlady while I was pregnant and she helped us choose this particular carseat. My favorite thing about it is that the base is SO easy to install in our cars. This is nice for when I have my mom watch Mia, I can easily transfer the base to her car. That way she doesn’t have to worry about using the seatbelt to secure it.

  2. Car Seat Cover

    I actually have two covers that I like but let me talk about this one first. This one was nice for winter time in Wisconsin because if it was snowing or extremely cold, it kept her warm. I felt like it also kept people away from sticking their face by hers when she was only a week old! The second one I like is here. This one is nice for warmer weather because the material is very breathable. Another thing I like about this one is that it can also be used as a nursing cover.

  3. Portable Sound Machine

    I have 3 of these in our cars/ my diaper bag and wow do they come in handy! Mia sleeps with a sound machine for her naps and at nighttime. If we are ever on the go, it’s nice to have this to turn on to help calm her down.

  4. Keekaroo Changing Pad

    One of my friends convinced me to put this on my registry versus a cotton one with liners and I’m so thankful. I can’t even count how many times Mia has peed/pooped on this. We are able to take a wipe to clean it off. No need to worry about throwing anything in the washing machine or getting stains out. Definitely an investment but when you use it 10+ times a day, it’s worth it.

  5. Ubbi Diaper Pail

    There is some controversy about whether or not you need a diaper pale. I cannot imagine life without this! Once Mia started eating solids, her poop really started to smell. This pail completely hides all smelly diaper scents!

  6. Coterie Diapers

    I never thought I’d be that mom that is passionate about diaper brands, but here we are. Since switching Mia to these diapers (as well as Hello Bello), she hasn’t had diaper rash once. These also absorb SO well and we’ve never had any leakage. As I mentioned, we use a combination of these and Hello Bello. The downside to Coterie is that they come with a hefty price tag. Hello Bello diapers are more affordable, so we use those during the day and Coterie for night time.

  7. Water Wipes

    I will never use any wipes but these! They are so gentle on our baby’s butts and work so well.

  8. Coloplast

    This is the absolute best for diaper rash on our little ones. As I mentioned above, Mia hasn’t had diaper rash since using Coterie diapers. However, before I switched to those, she had it quite often. This would clear it up in a day!

  9. Frida Mom Humidifier

    We have this and the Crane one and the Frida Mom is 8,000 times better for a few reasons. It allows you turn a night light on and off but the Crane one has a light on 24/7 which is SO annoying for sleeping. This one is also way easier to clean.

  10. VAVA Night Light

    I convince everyone I know to get this night light because it’s so nice. You just double tap it to turn it on and off, how easy! You can also hold your hand down to make it brighter or more dim. It’s portable so you can take it off the charging dock and bring it anywhere with you. So perfect for those middle of the night feedings/diaper changes.

  11. VAVA Split Screen Monitor

    When choosing our monitor I decided I wanted a non-wifi based one so no one could hack into it. I chose the Vava because it had great reviews. We also ended up getting the split screen for future children!

  12. Nail File

    This is my favorite item that I purchase for my friends who are expecting. My cousin gifted it to me and I’m so thankful she did. It’s so scary cutting their little nails and worrying about cutting them. This is a little electric file that is so gentle and files their nails right down without worrying about cuts.

  13. Oogiebear Booger Tool

    Another little gadget that I’ve used many many times. Our babes little nasal passages are so tiny that a-lot of boogers get stuck in there. They obviously don’t know how to blow their own noses, so this gadget comes in handy. Just make sure you don’t stick it up too far!

  14. Frida Mom Snot Sucker

    On the topic of boogers, this might be my number one baby item. The name and the picture on the box make it sound disgusting, but I promise your mouth doesn’t touch the boogers. There is a filter to catch the boogers! It works so well when they have congestion.

  15. Zarbee’s Chest Rub

    This is something I wish I would’ve had on hand for when Mia got her first cold. I rubbed it on her chest and the bottom of her feet and I think it’s the reason she fought her cold so fast! Keep in mind the box says 2+ months, and of course always ask your own pediatrician.

  16. Mylicon Gas Drops

    Another thing you should ask your own pediatrician about, but these have come in handy multiple times. I try not to use them too often but when we introduced some solids, she got pretty gassy. These were very helpful! I always try to do bicycles, belly massages, warm bath, etc. for gas but sometimes those things weren’t enough.

  17. Tubby Todd Products

    These are my number one baby products and the only brand we use. They are safe and made with clean ingredients (no added fillers) and such high quality. Although they are an investment on the front end, the products last so long. A little goes along way with them. My favorite products are the unscented body wash and lotion and the all over ointment. Anytime Mia has dry skin or acne, I’ll put a little all over ointment on it and it clears it right up. That link will also save you 10% on first time purchases :).

  18. AngelCare Bath 

    Mia LOVESSS bath time and I think part of that reason is because of this bath! She’s able to lay back in it and kick/splash around in the water. We’ve used it since we brought her home from the hospital and she still fits in it!

  19. Skip Hop Bath Set

    Whoever came up with this bath set is a genius! It’s one of those things you don’t realize how much you love it until you use it. A pad for your knees? Genius. A pad for your elbows? Genius. A cover for the faucet? Genius. Bath rinser? Genius!

  20. Miss Mouth’s Messy Eater Stain Remover

    The best stain remover I’ve ever used, I sometimes use it for my clothes too haha! It gets the hardest stains out, like avocados! Also made with clean ingredients :).

  21. Dapple Bottle Dish Soap

    I use this to wash all of her bottles as well as my pump parts. Made with safe ingredients and works so good at getting milk film off!

  22. Dr. Brown Bottles

    The best bottles on the market in my opinion, especially for my breastfeeding mamas. They were recommended to us from my lactation consultant and Mia loves them!

  23. Burp Rags

    If you buy anything, let it be 100 burp rags haha! We go through them like crazy. Any brand is honestly good, we don’t have a favorite. However, we love the ones that kind of form to your shoulder like the ones I have linked here.

  24. Lovevery Play Mat and Subscription Box

    The play mat was one of my favorite things for the first 3 months of Mia’s life! It was great to use for tummy time and laying her on it when I needed to get stuff done. Now that she’s older, she doesn’t use it as much. However, I have the subscription play box and she has loved every single toy sent with each box.

  25. Wander & Roam Play Mat

    A pretty pricey play mat but the quality is unreal. I love it because it’s so easy to wipe up spit up off of and it’s also cute!

  26. Slumberpod

    If you plan on doing any travel with your baby, this is the best purchase you might make. We got this before our trip to Florida when Mia was 5 months old and WOW was I impressed. It is basically a tent that goes over a pack n play for blackout! All of Mia’s naps were absolutely incredible the whole time we were there. I loved it so much I reached out and asked them for a discount code. Laurajulaine20 will save you $20 :).

  27. Joolz Aer Stroller

    I had a ton of credits from BuyBuyBaby after my shower and decided to get this as our travel stroller. However, I like it almost as much as our regular Uppa Baby Vista Stroller. It doesn’t have as much storage space or push as nicely but for being half the price, it’s dang nice! It folds up SO easily and is perfect for travel. I still love our Uppa Vista stroller but if you’re looking for a cheaper option, I highly recommend this stroller.

  28. Handheld Fan

    This fan is so great to wrap around a stroller or car seat on a hot day, I used it the entire time we were in Florida. I also wrapped it around the hospital bed and used it while I was in labor!

  29. Little Giraffe Blanket

    I realize this is very expensive for a baby blanket but you’ll understand if you decide to get it. It’s the softest blanket I’ve ever felt and anytime I wrap Mia in it, she gets cuddly and falls asleep!

  30. Bamboo Double Zip Footies.

I couldn’t find a company that had everything I wanted, so I created my own! The footies are made of 95% bamboo, 5% spandex and are so extremely soft & stretchy. They also have fold over hand cuffs for sizes newborn and 0-3 month. All sizes have fold over footie cuffs with sole grips to prevent slips. I hope you guys like the footies as much as I do!


WHEW!!!!!! I think that’s all I have for now. This blog post is going to be an ongoing thing. I’ll add to it as Mia gets older or as I come across new items. I may have to break it into two parts if it gets to be too long, oops haha!

I hope this helps some of you as you are either preparing for your own babe or wanting to gift to a friend/family member. Although it may seem like babies need a lot, our love is the thing they want most. 🙂

Peace & Love,

Asset 5


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