4 Best Gym Shoes for Every Workout

Shoes may be the most frequently purchased item in my entire closet – and for good reason! There are different types of shoes you need (or in my case want) for different occasions – including workouts!

Yes, you can get by with the same pair of workout shoes for every type of workout, but some are better than others!

I have tried and tested a tonnnnn of different workout shoes/brands and have finally settled on some favorites. If these companies ever stop making them, I will probably cry, until they become annoyed with me and start making them again! Haha 🙂

Seriously, now back to the shoes – following are some brands that I’ve found work best for me and the specific workout I’m doing. However, if you are not able to get them, that does not mean you can’t or shouldn’t work out! To be honest, you don’t even need a pair of shoes to work out. Ever heard of Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia? He won the Olympic gold medal for the marathon in 1960 and 1964, and he ran the entire thing barefoot. I’m not sure I’d suggest walking barefoot into your home gym and attempting a deadlift, but I think you get the point!

Three types of shoes for three different workouts, and an added bonus shoe:

  1. Running Asics Gel Kayano 24: I actually went to Fleet Feet and was sized for this running shoe before one of my half marathons. If you plan to run any type of race, I would recommend being sized because everyone’s feet are different. I’ve tried Brooks, Saucony, Nike Free, and many more but I always go back to Asics. I’ve run four half marathons in these and love them more every time!


  1. High Intensity Interval Classes Nike Zoom Pegasus 35 Turbo: Out of all the shoes on this list, I would have to say these are my favorite. They are the most comfortable shoes I think I’ve ever owned. It feels like you’re bouncing around on clouds during your entire workout lol! They also have little wings on the heels, which I am convinced help me run faster. Call me crazy, but wait until you try them! I wear these shoes if I am doing a high intensity workout class that includes things like burpees, box jumps, mountain climbers, etc. I also like to wear them for any type of shorter distance running or sprints!


  1. Lifting Nike Air Bella TR Training Shoes: I randomly came across these when I was online shopping a longgggg time ago. I was looking for a neutral color gray/white shoe that would be good for photoshoots and decided to order these. They have now turned into my go to lifting shoe and I am in love with them. Whenever I am lifting legs or back, I train in these because of the flat bottom. Having a flat bottom allows for better support and keeps your feet stable instead of wobbling around. You shouldn’t do heavy back squats in shoes that have a ton of cushion, as they could prevent your feet from being securely planted to the ground.


  1. Leisurely Wear Adidas Pure Boost X Element: Whether you’re taking your dog on a walk, going shopping, or just wanting a comfortable cute shoe – these are it! They’re extremely lightweight to the point of feeling as though you’re not even wearing shoes! However, they still offer plenty of support if you’re going on a longer walk!


If you’re in the market for a new pair of workout shoes, I’d highly suggest checking out any of the above. I won’t recommend anything I don’t personally love!

Until next time.

Peace & Love,

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